

Argus International is a world leader in the design and manufacture of machinery for the processing of printed circuit boards. Widely recognized for its expertise in this field, Argus has sales efforts and business in virtually all industrialized and developing countries. It serves a well-defined market where it maintains a reputation for quality, engineering innovation, simplicity of design, and customer service.

Argus was founded March 1, 1965 in Ringoes, New Jersey, USA. The first Argus products were based on focused infrared heating as applied to manufacturing processes. The primary market at the time was in the electronics industry, but this gradually evolved into more narrowly defined work in the printed circuit industry. Several technical innovations led to the Argus fusing process, which then led to the development of hot air leveling machinery in the mid 1980s. In response to the evolving needs of its customers, Argus’s present focus and leadership is in spray coating and drying technology.

Over the years, Argus customers have ranged from very small companies to the giants of industry. Having worked with a diverse group of customers, Argus is in a unique position to address the needs of both small and large shops. Argus always places customer needs first in designing and building timely and useful machinery that provides long-term productivity and efficiency gains.


Tech-Knowledge is the official distributor of Argus International in Israel and provides a full cover and technical support for their product line.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us directly
or by filling up the form below.

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